Dec 6, 2020 | Education, Kids
Write down your list of what you’re looking for and then put them in order of priority. Like house shopping, you’re not going to get everything you want. But knowing what’s most important can help you narrow down your options.
Oct 12, 2020 | Education
The Executive Branch contains the President, Vice President and all of the Federal Agencies that he oversees. Most people don’t realize how big the Executive Branch is.
Sep 28, 2020 | Education, Kids
Judges are the ones who decide what’s right, fair, and just and the people we put in charge who get to decide the foundational rules for our society is worth our attention.
Sep 19, 2020 | Education, Kids
We’re focused on providing a bird’s eye view of the system of government we have so that when you look at your ballot, you’ll have some idea of what part of the system you’re voting on and how it can affect your family.
Sep 6, 2020 | Education, Kids
Whether you’re homeschooling or schooling at home this year, it’s great to have resources at your disposal to help round out the curriculum.
Jul 12, 2020 | Education, Kids, Mom+Thoughts
Model at home what you want them to see in the world…love, acceptance of differences, and respect.