Holly + Daze: Keeping your focus (and sanity)
Nine times out of ten, I get to about December 16th and I’m fried. I end up dreading the weekends because they’re so overpacked with activities.
Nine times out of ten, I get to about December 16th and I’m fried. I end up dreading the weekends because they’re so overpacked with activities.
I think we all have friends who have to travel for work, or their husbands have to. Far too often, this can put an enormous strain on the parent who is still home. It can make them feel like a single parent.
Just as it’s important for our kids to have friends in each of the activities they do – sports/clubs, school, neighborhood, church – it’s important for moms to have friends who serve us in different aspects of our lives. I’ve put together a list of six friends I think every woman needs.
As moms, we know it’s important to take care of ourselves. But let’s be honest, we rarely do what we should. Moms throughout history are great at telling their kids what they need to do and then sacrificing our own health and well-being to make sure they do what we said. And I’m no exception.
I know it’s unreasonable to expect that every dinner I put on the table will receive rave reviews. After all, they’re kids. But tonight, I completely lost it and got angry. Maybe it’s because of the huge challenge it is to get dinner on the table – one handed